Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time for Some Haterade

He's wearing khakis, not even my dad wears khakis...

Gosh I love that term. Haterade. Makes me sound so badass, when I'm really not. Oh, but let's not dwell on that. I've been in a grumpy mood as of late. For weeks I've been waking up early, going to bed late, cramming, crashing, stressing, all in the name of academia. Well I'm done (for now) I can breathe, I can sleep in until noon, I can have a social life again, I can work all weekend...WHAT? Oh yea, after all of my studying and essaying I got to work ALL weekend, wonderful, and as a result I'm super pissy and I need to take it out on someone, and is there anyone better to hate on than James Haskell and his mouth? I think not.

First off, how amazing was it that his coach not only left him out of his starting lineup but he didn't even want The Mouth on the bench during their Heineken Cup match...AHAHAHAHAHAHA *ahem* and they lost, karma its a beautiful thing.

Oh but that's not all. James Haskell is a self-important little sh-t and not only is he self-important, he's dumb as a door knob:

I do love it when people take my tweets and spend hours commenting and mocking me. While your doing that I'm actually living a life.
James' Twitter via

First of all its you're as in you are, not your, you can't posses 'doing'.

Second of all no one spends hours mocking anyone, even in real life, no one has that kind of time. Has The Mouth's head grown so big, to think that the 'journalists hiding out among his followers' are actually sitting there for HOURS waiting on him to make another dull tweet?

Third of all, how many of us don't have a blackberry/iphone/laptop/mobile that can surf the internet where ever we go? I can totally @reply some dumb bitch *cough*Haskell*cough* while I'm waiting for my friend at starbucks. You could totally roll your eyes at another ~*James Haskell mirror twittpic*~ in between classes. I mean what century is he living in? Information, news, images are all instantaneous and accessible. Sorry you`re stuck in 1993 Haskell.

Fourthly, he makes it too easy for people to dislike him, he's just too dumb to realize it. If you're constantly mentioning the 'muppets' that are saying you're crap at rugby then its clearly, getting to you, Haskell just isn't a 'dirt off your shoulder' kind of guy, he's too conceited for that. Plus I'm fairly certain his only friend is Tom Rees. Poor Tom having to deal with that Australopithecus all by him lonesome, I don't envy him.

Apparently he was moaning because he didn't have a girlfriend...can't imagine why I mean he's such a catch with his Ed Hardy t-shirts, drooly mouth, unintelligent banter, narcissism, and frat boy mentality, just don't understand how the women in Paris aren't lining up for miles. Mind boggling.

PS I don't follow him, I used to because I thought maybe, just maybe my initial appraisal of The Mouth was wrong but no, my friends, I was 100% right. So I stopped because really, what's the point? Way to be f-cking cliche Haskell!

PPS Is athlete's twitter weekend apparently. Anybody follow anyone interesting? @shitmydadsays is pretty much all you ever need.

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