Sunday, March 21, 2010

Welcome Kate!


To all 3 of my readers,

I'd like to introduce to you Kate, she will be blogging in my absence because this next month will be really busy for me with school and work, so I won't get to post all that much if at all. Plus she's from Ireland and from what I understand most of you are from that area anyway so my colloquialisms and slang may be confusing to you so now you'll actually understand what's going on and posts will arrive in a timely manner instead of 3 days late with jet lag! I don't have to ask you to be nice because I know you are all lovely and will welcome Kate with open arms!

Don't worry I'll still be around AKA reading/moderating. I check my email everyday but posts are time consuming and instead of forming a thesis I'll be trying to find a picture that shows off Tommy Bowe's thighs...heh. Anyway I'll be back to posting just in time for playoff season for the Heineken Cup and NHL YEY...although I don't think they call it playoff season in rugby...whatever, that's what I'm calling it!

Good luck to you Kate, I look forward to reading your posts! Thank so much for doing this ;)



Micah said...

some british humour for you

Nicole said...

This is hilarious! Loved it when he skipped over Haskell to talk to Ben Foden, SICK BURN!

Unknown said...

Welcome Kate! Looking forward to your blogs. Best of luck this month Nicole with all the work and school stuff!