Thursday, March 25, 2010

Gorrilaz turn to monkeys

Today I'm not feeling too hot cos I'm kinda sick, but it also means I didn't have to go to school today so you guys get my undivided attention! Yay!

I'd like to start by saying how welcome everyone has made me feel, the comments have all been so lovely and have really given me more confidence when writing. So keep the love coming, its much appreciated!

Todays post will not be about rugby, as I assume the next few posts will be about rugby or rugby players, so today we will be talking about music cos well, I kinda love it!

So recently I heard The Gorillaz new album (well most of it anyway!) and let me tell you i was not very impressed, although I desperately wanted to be, being a fan and all. There wasn't anything really wrong with it, it just wasn't good compared to all their other albums. As a massive music fan I really hate to see this happen, there's nothing worse than your favorite bands turning crap (harsh, I know, but it had to be said) and its even worse when you've been anticipating their new album, and saving you're money to buy it and then you take it home and its terrible. If you've heard it let me know what you think in the comments below.

The first single they released from it was called Stylo. I must admit I did like the video, if not the song, but what sorta puzzled me was the fact Bruce Willis was in it. Now I'm not hating on ol' Brucey, its just I don't understand why he was in it, if Damon Albarn is so anti-celebrity. Isn't Bruce Willis like a massive Hollywood star??? It doesn't make sense. They don't seem like the type of band who go looking for media attention, nor do they really need it. I know this sounds stupid and maybe even slightly elitist, but this was maybe one of the reasons I didn't like the album. After all aren't bands meant to be cool? And this didn't strike me as being particularly cool. Oh well hopefully their next one will be half decent!

Now excuse while i go blow my nose.

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