Sunday, March 21, 2010


There are times in my life when I wish I had a mute button on my Dad, yesterday was one of those times.

As a family full of die-hard Irish rugby fans we all gathered in the living room expecting something great,or at least a win. And well, to say we we're dissappointed is an understatement.
The game started okay with a true from Brian O'Driscoll, further proving he is Jesus, but after that it was all downhill and Ireland gave away penalty after penalty. The whole team were pretty uninspiring, and i kinda feel like murdering Johnny Sexton, despite the fact he looks like a 10 year old. The highlights of the game were when Rob Kearney came on (although he failed to stun the scotts with his extreme handsomeness) AND Tommy Bowes try! Tommy Bowe is like Irelands knight and shining armor, he's just such a winner and don't you love it when he scores and he doesn't stop smiling for like ten minutes? He's such a cutie! Irelands sexy backline aside, I hope the whole team feels really REALLY terrible today, they seem to be incapable of winning the games that ACTUALLY matter, like the French game, but lets not go there!

As for the other games, There weren't any major shocks.

Roll on The Heineken Cup I say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes that is soo true Tommy Bowe is irelands knight in shining armor. Poor johnny tho he looked like he felt he had left the team down( which he kinda did). thanks for the update kate