Monday, March 29, 2010

Tommy Bowe, the perfect man

Here at Death of a Trend, we make no secret that we love Tommy Bowe, and whats not to love? He's talented, handsome, seems like a genuinely nice guy and.........HE'S THIS YEARS RBS SIX NATIONS PLAYER OF THE YEAR! Cue confetti. I know I'm a tad late, but better late than never eh?

Congradulations Tommy! We knew you'd do it. I'm very proud of Tommy, espeacially because he won with over fifty per cent of the votes apperently. To be honest I don't think anyone was surprised, he had an amazing season, even if Ireland didn't, not to mention his debut Lions tour. He was one of the stars on that tour, he played every test game AND in his preferred position! Thats talent folks, pure talent.

Another reason we love Tommy Bowe is not a very well known one, so I feel it's my duty to inform the masses (the tiny amount of people that read this blog) This will probably come as a shock to most of you, but don't worry, it's the good type of shock. Maybe shock is the wrong word, surprise fits better. Ready?........TOMMY BOWE CAN COOK! Bet you didn't see that coming. You're probably wondering how I know this, well every Sunday night on Irish national television a show called "The Restaurant" airs. The basic jist of the show is theres this restaurant,and for a night a celebrity gets to be the head chef, and last night the head chef was none other than Tommy Bowe!

Last night I learned alot about Mr Bowe, He's funny and charming and his dad sells duck or a living (part of his main couse) He also enjoys doing body slams with the other chefs, which means he's a fun type of guy. I must say his menu did look quite tasty, but critics on the show can get pretty bitchy and last night the claws came out. One thing I failed to mention about the show is the head r ains anonymous to the critics and the diners, but the chef can see and hear everything thats being said and done by means of hidden cameras. Food critics are generally very annoying people and rarely know what they're talking about, last night was a classic example of this. They ripped apart his menu leaving Tommy looking like a sad puppy in the kitchen, it was heartbreaking to watch. You could tell he really wanted to do well and he was really trying his best, but those crabby mean critics just wren't feeling it. At the end of the show he only got 2 stars out of 5, which being honest isn't too great, but ny god does he look good as a chef!

My only conselation to this fiasco is he won't be leaving his day job, good news for Ireland andwomen around the world, bad news for other serious rugby countries. We love you Tommy!


Anonymous said...

Love your blog. More Tommy Bowe and Rob Kearney posts please!xx

kate said...

No probs, two of my favourite subjects!

Patricia said...

HI Kate and 'anonoymous' just thought id drop yas a quick line and let u both know how much i love tommy bowe! he is sooooo hot and super duper cute! he rocks my world! I felt sooooo bad for him when those mean critics only give him 2! he would get a 10 in my book anyday! Keep it up with the tommy bowe posts and rob kearney! PLEASE More pics of tommy, his finnnnneeeeeee body was sculpted by the gods!! xoxoxoxox :-)