Thursday, April 01, 2010


I am a top procrastinator. Its a terrible affliction! Doing a paper on the French Revolution, its 3am I am done, just have to do the bibliography and make sure my footnotes are done correctly but instead of buckling down, pushing through, so can be done by half past 3, and get a bit of sleep in before I have to wake up for school in a few hours, I go on facebook or google search stories on --->insert any rugby player's name here<---. And that's exactly what I did the other night! What I found was too good not to share, I had to make time to write this'll see.
So you know how the Lions tour happened this past summer, well...:

Last year we wrote about the shenanigans of Wales and Lions lock Alun-Wyn Jones in a nightclub in Pretoria. He apparently urinated on a rugby writer and we found it a tad strange that the said writer did not reveal this. Nine months later the writer has acknowledged the incident in his column in SA Rugby magazine, but has failed to mention that it was he who was on the receiving end

Times Live



I mean-

How is one supposed to process such information. What are we to make of this story? AWJ. Urinating. On someone. WHAT? I don't even know!

Here's why I don't believe it:
a) This goes against all I've ever heard of AWJ. This whole time he's presented himself as intelligent, rational, and an alright guy; I've heard nothing of the contrary.
b) Why am I only finding this out now? If you read Death of a Trend during the summer then you know that I was ALL OVER the Lions Tour, the NHL playoffs took a backseat to the Lions, something like this would not have escaped my knowledge.
c) If I were a South African journalist, and a Lion urinated on me, would it not be in the interest of nationalism to demonize the tourists? Why write about it 9 months later instead of calling your editor, urine still dripping from your leg (I'm assuming he peed in that general area), telling him you've got a story that will blow the tourists reputation away?

Here's why I believe it:

a) It happened in Pretoria. Pretoria is a dirty, dirty, place! Second only to Johannesburg! So if someone urinating on someone else is going to happen, its going to happen in Pretoria
b) It appears, through recent developments, that Welsh internationals cannot handle their alcohol...
c)That trip on Hartley, could have prehaps revealed a glimmer of what he's been hiding from us all along
d)Despite AWJ seeming like a nice, intelligent, person, I do sense a bit of cheekiness simmering just below the surface
e) I can totally picture him doing this, lol

At the end of the day I don't know. Usually I would use my Spidey sense and would conclude on either yes he did do it or no he didn't but I'm coming up with nothing.

Alun Wyn Jones and golden showers...I just don't know what to make of this. What do you think?


Unknown said...

Nicole I have a link for you to check out on your next study break--you might have already seen this but was posted this week. It is of our boyfriend Crofty!! Enjoy :)

BTW I am with you and not sure what to make of the golden showers...

Nicole said...

Oh. How bad is it that I've already seen it, lol...well at least I was right about him sucking at COD

kate said...

Haha I have so many questions about this. Where were his team mates? Did geech find out? Wat the hell was he drinking? Lol

Nicole said...

That's what I want to know too! Were they all just sitting there, watching him pee on a journalist? If its true they did a good job at keeping it hush hush.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe AWJ would do something like that! Is it wrong that I still find him incredibly attractive even if he did....

Anyway, Tom Croft was on a Question of Sport on BBC1 tonight and he was so cute on it! Don't know if anyone has seen it, but it should probably be on the BBC iPlayer website soon anyway. Just thought I'd let you know!

Nicole said...

No, its not wrong because I feel the exact same way ;)

Thanks for the heads up, I probably can't watch it but I'm sure lots of other readers can, more Tom Croft in our lives is never a bad thing