Wednesday, February 10, 2010

The Trip, Neathdertal Fist Pumps, and Wilko's Public Washroom Squat, Mark Cueto's a Babe

I'm a bit late on the train with this one but I had a busy weekend and then I had a busy week with school but all of that is over with and I can now devote my attention the the disappointing game that was England v Wales.

Mark Cueto's a babe by the way!

Did you guys watch the game? Weren't you expecting more? Just more all around? I was severely unsatisfied with the game that is until I went online and saw all the crap that was being spued about our very own Alun Wyn Jones.

I don't know how you all interpreted the trip but to me it didn't seem that big of a deal. Yes it was stupid, yes he shouldn't have done it, and yes it added extra pressure to his teammates to preform well (which they weren't doing before he was sent off) but was his mistake really the reason Wales lost?

Um NO, because last time I checked rugby was a team sport and if one player being sin binned completely demoralizes your game then you have greater problems than a lock's moment of stupidity.

I was a little bit shocked that many people and many media outlets were basically saying Alun Wyn Jones was the reason Wales lost. I'm guessing that was just their knee jerk reaction in light of the fact that Wales SHOULD HAVE won, England kind of played like crap and Wales should have been able to beat them one man down or not but the fact of the matter is, Wales did not preform well and while both teams were terrible, England was less terrible.

Steven James says it so much better than I can:

I actually think Gatland made too much of the sin-binning. It was important, of course it was. But just because Wales were down to fourteen men did they have to buckle so? The average number of points conceded during a 10-minute sin-binning is seven. So what happened here? 17 points. Wales were poor in that ten-minute period. And still they managed to get themselves back in the game. They still could, maybe should, have won. For England were awful. They were trying to run the clock down from about 25 minutes out, for goodness’ sake.

Let's be honest, if Wales had won this game AWJ's misstep wouldn't even be a blip on the radar but because they lost, he is the scape goat because during those ten minutes England scored 17 points and the team just couldn't recover...clearly this is a team issue.

Mark Cueto is still a babe!

Let's be nice to England before I get to, what you know I'm getting to. That interception by Delon Armitage was BEAUTIFUL! So sick, I finally got excited because the game was getting the dying minutes of the game. And how amazing was Jonny Wilkinson, homeboy made every kick, that public washroom squat is magic, I tell ya! Mark Cueto is a babe, I don't understand how I only became aware of this on Saturday, damn son!

So the curious case of Tom Croft's knee is an on going investigation and Saturday gave us further proof that his injury was no mere accident. mhmm.


Q: What is Croft's usual position

A: No. 6 blindside flanker

Q: Now that Croft is injured who wore the No. 6 jersey on Saturday

A: James Haskell and his mouth

Mmmmm, curious, very curious. What's curious still is that The Mouth was able to score two tries and snag man of the match. This is all very convenient since we all know that if Tom were fit, The Mouth would not be invited to Martin Johnson's facebook event that is 'England's starting line up 2010' BUT since Tom is out The Mouth decides to make an impression. Did you see that Neanderthal fist pump thing he was doing after his first try? I mean...

The Mouth knows that he has to be better than good to keep his position on the squad, if he didn't play well Tom could waltz in with those pretty legs of his and take up the No. 6 position but now that The Mouth is making a case for himself, making himself indispensable, he knows Johnno would never pull someone that was 'hot' no coach in their right mind would, and he is using this to his advantage. If The Mouth continues to produce, its Tom Croft that will have to fight and win back his position.


And you know Crofty has absolutely no clue, he's probably sitting there going 'Yey team! James is my friend! One time we were sharing a room and he used up all the hot water in the shower because he didn't want me to get tired and lethargic because he says that's what heat does, so he let me have ALL the cold water, what a gentleman'

*sigh* he doesn't have a chance does he?

You and your mouth better watch out Haskell! We're on to you! We have the internet and we know how to use it!

Did I mention Mark Cueto is a babe?

PS I kind of sort of was dozing off during the game, I had woken up at 5am to work an 8.5 hour shift at work which was INSANELY busy, so if I missed anything do let me know or comment whatever


Unknown said...

this pseudo brawl youre trying to start between dbag and crofty i think will take flight soon. heck, its even affecting me! i shouldve been happy he scored those 2 tries but when he did, i was more pissed off that our boy is being outdone by him. yes, tom's accident was a complete conspiracy!!!

ps. i ordered the rugby for heroes calendar way back in november and JUST got it in the mail. i will be sending you photos. mr. december is looking veeerrrryyyyy yummy

pps. thanks for making me look like an obsessed fangirl on your last post >:p

Nicole said...

I always sensed that there was a somewhat of a competition going on, on Haskell's side anyway, Croft's oblivious or doesn't acknowledge it.

Sorry that was not my intention :S I just wanted to give you credit instead of implying that I found it. If you want I'll just not mention you ;) besides if anyone's the obsessed fan girl its me I'm the one that posts about him regularly lol even though I'm not THAT obsessed...

MOVING ON, I'm excited for the calendar.

Unknown said...

So I am very behind--jut got to watch the match last night-I have been on my holidays to Egypt for the past 2 weeks. I quite agree that Mark Cueto is a babe and quite fit!! Boyfriend Tom might have to start worrying!! :)
Watching Haskell made me want to be sick--there is just something that is so ewwwww about him.
Speaking of calendars--Santa brought me the Leicester one for Matt Hampson--Boyfriend as Mr November is quite yummy!
Hope all is well and as always I enjoy the posts!

Nicole said...

Hope you had a lovely holiday, Egypt? I'm so jealous!
Cueto just might have to be a substitute for Crofty, no news yet on his condition which makes me worried that he will not play this year in the Six Nations. James Haskell is certainly pleased with himself.