Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Six Nations Round Up

I didn't watch the Six Nations games this weekend. Real life once again got in the way but apparently I missed quite the weekend...DAMMIT.

France beat Ireland 33-10, justifying their flamboyance and never failing arrogance.

England barely beat Italy 17-12. I just have to say my only wish for this year's Six Nations is that Italy is not last.

Lastly, on to the most exciting game of the weekend, Wales were able to wear down Scotland in the dying minutes of a game with a result of 31-24. Poor Scotland, it was totally their game but noooo, Wales were a bunch of meanies and had to take everything or themselves! As if its their job or something pffttt!

So I guess the boys were really happy with their win and decided they wanted to celebrate. So much so that a few of them got a little foolish...and when I say a few I mean Andy Powell.

So Andy 'Butterface' Powell was arrested for drunk driving after Wales' emphatic win over Scotland. He apparently was driving a golf cart (???) whilst drunk, and attempted to drive it on the highway/freeway/motorway...Is he trying to be the next Mike Phillips or what? This is disconcerting because I actually like Andy Powell and this type of behaviour, Andrew is not very becoming. Next you`ll be dating an overrated, annoying popstar.

So any way Pow Pow has been subsequently dropped from the Wales squad for the time being. There are those critics who are saying that this could be the end of his international career, a bit dramatic don`t you think? The aforementioned Mike Phillips was arrested twice, I believe, and if it were not for his injury he would definitely be playing. Leave it to the sports journalists to be overly dramatic with their analysis, I know its their job, and sports are like REALLY serious by come on now, the end of his international career? Bitch, don`t even front!

I personally think he`ll be back to play for Wales at some point because they`re in the business of winning and Andy Powell is a good player! Just for the record Pow Pow is apparently a huge momma`s boy, even though he lives on his own she still does his washing and cleaning...WHAT, it was in a news article, I wasn`t creeping! If I`m going to troll for info on any rugby player it sure isn`t Andy Powell, sorry Pow Pow I just don`t like you in that way.

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