Tuesday, February 16, 2010

As promised...

I was asked if I was going to post about this and I kind of, sort of, promised so here we are. Rob Carnie is dating Chardonnay(Susie Amy) from Footballers wives.

I didn't know what to make of this pairing at first, mainly because I totally forgot Chardonnay existed, I mean she did die of anorexia, Tanya even spoke some moving words at the funeral! That show was so trashtastic...much like real footballers and their wives...which was the point of the show, MOVING ON!

I am aware that there is a lot of hate for Chardonnay (I know that's not her real name...it is now!) because she's snared Ireland's golden boy but I personally do not hate this pairing, in fact I kind of like them together.

While Chardonnay may not have the most prestigious acting resume, she is not orange, does not have wal-mart blonde extensions; she isn't a tart, nor trashy, and all you haters have to admit she is a beautiful woman, plus she's older which I love! Older women are like unicorns to younger men: she's a minx in the sack? OMG THE LEGENDS ARE TRUE.

Now I'm not saying Chardonnay is an old hag but she's 28, he's turning 23 and we all know boys stop maturing at 13, so what I am saying is that she's totally wearing the pants in this relationship, how can you possibly hate on that?

Plus if you really must hate on someone it should be Carnie, he's been wanting a pseudo-celebrity girlfriend for some time now. How do I know, well all of last year he only dated promo models...that's right promo models.


...yea I know Blair, I know!

He was the one that chased this, who wanted this, if you want to be nasty to someone be nasty to Carnie, he is kind of a douche bag, to be perfectly honest. Chardonnay is a total upgrade and he knows it. I really hope she teaches him to buy the right pair of jeans, he is the worst offender of the lot!

Come on girls let's get real, could we really hate on the woman that rid the world of Jason Turner? I think not!

*A Note on Girlfriends:

I have noticed that many people have found my blog by typing in --->insert althete's name here<---'s girlfriend. Just so you all know I will NOT post about players girlfriends or boyfriends if they are not famous or fame whores. If Tom Croft, or AWJ, or Sidney Crosby is dating a regular girl who's going to school, or has a career then I really don't feel comfortable posting about them. The only time I would ever post about girlfriends who are normal, regular girls, is if they attend an event, like an award's ceremony with their man, and even then don't expect snarky commentary, I just won't do it.

Kelly's excited because now I can spend all my time on her hotness

In high school I would lurk in hockey forums and the things other girls and women would say about the girlfriends and wives of the players were just disgusting and really mean. I am not from the UK so I am not exposed to usless WAGs shopping and tanning and taking back cheating meal tickets because they ~love him~, so when the wife of an Eastern Conference player is called an ugly, snob, whore, etc I get uncomfortable because a)that's really cruel and b)this woman has her own life whether she's a doctor/teacher/ stay at home mom, she didn't ask nor want to be famous, she is not making a career out of being so-and-so's girlfriend/wife, she deserves her privacy and the respect you would give any stranger.

HOWEVER if she is famous, or asking for it AKA fame whore, then all bet's are off and I will post about her, because if she wants it, why not give it to her right? Although I won't always be snarky. I'm trying to make a point not to be snarky towards other women, we've already been so degraded and disrespected thus far I think its time we supported each other, non? Unless they really deserve the snark because they're being a shitty human being!

Lucklily I am not a football fan because truth be told, for most of the WAGs that want it, I have zero respect for. If I were a footy fan they would be getting verbal beat downs of the Kieth Olbermann variety. There are exceptions to everything, it appears.

Anyway I know that won't stop bringing people to my blog to find out who is Tommy Bowe's 2010 girlfriend but I've said my piece, hopefully you can respect that. Besides talking about boys is like so much more fun, right? And then we can give each other manicures, and prank call our math teacher! YEY!

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