So I few days ago a video came out with Sean Avery stating that he supports gay marriage:
I can't tell you how much it pains me to actually start liking Avery. I've spend most of his career hating on him and then he started dating Hilary Rhoda and now THIS???? You were aiming for my love this whole time, weren't you Sean? WELL MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
Anyway I'm totally glad and impressed that Sean, formerly king douche, Avery not only supports same sex marriage but actually put his money where is mouth is and participated in a national campaign! How refreshing and heart warming! And then this happened:

Uptown Hockey is a sports agency, whose biggest client is Mike Fisher. (JP Barry feel free to cackle away!) They are a SPORTS AGENCY, which means they have no business making comments on social issues whatsoever! Yeah, yeah, yeah everyone's got an opinion etc. etc. but this is incredibly unprofessional and amateur because they now have put their clients in an awkward position, where they may be forced to take a stand on either end of the spectrum when most of them just want to play hockey and go home.
Also there are gay pro hockey players, and gay players moving up in the ranks of the minor hockey leagues across North America and Europe, no I don't know who they are but gay people are just like straight people they exist everywhere, who knew right? So why would you ostracize so many potential clients, when, let's be honest, the bottom line is always money, political and social issues should NOT come into play.
No matter how he prefaces it, Todd Reynolds (the guy who tweeted) is a hateful bigot. To treat someone as a second class citizen, to deny them rights just because "they're not like us" is hate, plain and simple. Marriage is a legal matter, so your religion, your personal beliefs have nothing to do with it! I know that Sean was supporting gay marriage in the US but Reynolds is Canadian where same-sex marriage is legal, denying anyone those rights would go against our Charter rights and who we are as a country. AND the vast majority of Canadians support same sex marriage! So I don't know where this Todd guy comes from (not going to make an Alberta joke).
And he needs to stop with this so called 'Sanctity' of marriage because when our divorce rate is at 50%, there isn't anything scared about that. ALSO it really irks me when people invoke a book that was written by several, educated, no doubt rich, Hebrew men, over a span of hundreds of years, who were landless, oppressed, and constantly fighting for their keep. Excusing the universal messages of love, charity, and compassion, how does this book apply to modern times when slavery and capital punishments are seen as barbaric and archaic? Historical context makes all the difference!
Uptown Hockey, you just did all the other sports agencies a favour but please do us another and stop with the hateful ignorance, your soul will be better for it.
PS God doesn't make mistakes! Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Trans, Queer identified, and Straight people all belong here and all deserve love and happiness!
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