Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Hearts Are Breaking All Over The World


I'm of heavy heart to report that Tommy Bowe's single status is no more. Now if you remember my policy concerning significant others, then you'll know that I won't post about 'real' people. As in people who aren't famous in their own right or 'asking for it' (as in fame) and I don't think being Miss Wales 2009 and having a twitter account equates fame nor is she 'asking for it'...oops did I just let the cat out of the bag? Whatever you love me for it.


Christie said...

Bummer ay... :-(

Nicole said...

Don't worry Christie there are plenty of rugby players on the pitch! :)

Jaun carlos correa said...

hola interesante blogger mas por que tengo afinidad con el hockey en linea y soy profesor de educacion fisica