Anyway life sucks and prevents me from blogging but I don't have anything too worthwhile to post so I'd thought I'd just spam you with photos from the MET Gala. YEY judging pretty people in pretty clothes, what else was I going to do with my Friday night...
Overall I was pretty disappointed. I look forward to the MET Gala every year because that's when the rich and famous are supposed to 'bring it' fashion wise, and since this year's gala was dedicated to the late Alexander McQueen, I was expecting to be wowed instead I was disappointed. I think this is the worst MET ball in recent memory, a lot of nobodies showed up in boring clothes anyway on to the judging.

I love this dress! Its one of my favourites of the ball. I love they way the colours fade into each other and I love the asymmetrical pattern. I wouldn't expect anything less from Anna!

Beyonce's dress was a tacky-ass mess, I mean it IS Beyonce. This photo cracks me up, Bey needed help from her husband and an assistant to get up those stairs, this is not uncommon but what is uncommon is the photographers actually capturing it, apparently Bey and Jay-Z didn't pose long enough on the carpet, and the photographers booed them, so I guess this is their revenge?

This is Brooklyn Decker. Sports Illustrated model. Love interest of Adam Sandler in 'Just go with it' and Soccer mom??? Brooklyn is 23 years old but she doesn't look 23 years old, but hey maybe she was going for, the '35 year old soccer mom look.'

I don't hate this dress, I don't love it either I'm just very 'meh' about it, which is surprising because Diane usually dresses so well.

Dianna Agron is like white wonder bread to me. Very boring, very unremarkable sure she's pretty but there's nothing interesting about her but I do really love that cuff!

For all the epicness that was this dress' train, apparently Doutzen had to lie on her back in the car to fit it all in, it's a very boring dress. Is this Michael Kors? Oh never mind then.

I think there should be an age limit for these events. Elle Fanning is 12, so I won't make any mention of what I think about her outfit (I'm sure you have the same opinion) but 12 is too young to be amongst people who have made a career of eating air for dinner and having blow for dessert. Or maybe I'm being just too puritanical.

I think this is the wrong dress for the wrong event. These is nothing glam about it, its probably the dress my grandmother wore to the dance down at the legion hall when she saw my grandfather off to war. No, no I'm being silly, my grandmother only wore pretty dresses!

I prefer Emma Stone as a redhead, so she already has that against her. I just think, this is your first time at the MET ball, celebrating Alexander McQueen and this is what you decide to wear?

I ADORE this dress! The Tuxedo gown combination, LOVE!

I'm totally feeling Ginnifer Goodwin's hair and make-up, and the colour of this dress looks amazing on her its just- well I'm not a fan of the cut of the dress.

The Goddess Gisele! She looks good, boring but good.

Miss Microbiotic! I could write a chapter book in all the feelings I have towards her but I won't and just say that this dress is a boring dress among a sea of boring dresses. Lee McQueen must be shaking his head up in heaven right now!

Queen Iman! Anyone else would look ridiculous in a gold sequin jumpsuit but this is Iman, the same rules never apply!

I know this is Janelle Monae's shitck, and she usually pulls it off so well but something about this outfit is decidedly cheap. I think its the sateen pants.
From the neck up Jennifer Hudson looks great but this dress looks like some cheap-ass prom dress. Oh its Vera Wang? Mystery solved.

Jennifer Lopez is experiencing somewhat of a resurgence all thanks to American Idol, which I'm not opposed to because it makes me feel like its 2002 and I'm 15 years old and the most important problem in my life is wondering why Jordan won't call me back! Oh and this dress is a hot mess.

The Princess of Kincardine! I think I would like this look a lot more if Jess didn't go to Taylor Swift's hairdresser.

What is this? Is this Marchesa? If this isn't Marchesa then shame to whoever designed it because I mistook it for Marchesa.

ZOMG its Bella Swan *ahem* I mean Kristen Stewart. I actually really like the pattern of this dress, I'm not crazy about the cut though.

I know most people didn't like this dress but I do! I think its age appropriate and it reminds me of 1930s Hollywood glamour, I wonder if the stars weighed her down?

Didn't Emily Blunt already wear this dress back in 2006?

I want this dress. Its very simple but not you know? The cut is like universally flattering and those gold birds transform a rather ordinary dress into something extraordinary!

This is a joke right? It has to be! Is that a fascinator? Okay this is a joke.

Another red dress! Saoirse looks great in red but there's something about the bodice that's a bit off...maybe there's some detailing the camera is not picking up on.
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