Friday, October 09, 2009

Tom Croft Video of the Day

SIM RUGBY!!!!!!!

The video's so ridiculous, its hilarious. Yes we get to see Tom in full SIM rugby action.

-I love that Tom Croft if heavily featured in this promo...that's the way it should always be
-Riki Flutey's facial expression, kills me
-and then there's Harry Ellis creeping in the background ONCE AGAIN
-OIC so Ugo Monye gets to score the first try...why the hell wasn't Tom the first one on top of him????
-Love it, when they're chasing after the mascot Tom looks like a little kid, he's so excited to be doing something naughty, oh bb.


When Steve Borthwick is totes srs when he says 'everybody works together especially when you drop the SIM and its lost', gets me every time, like he's really serious about it, LMAO. Have you noticed that Tom always starts his answers with 'uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh' with his mouth dropped open? Well I have. Anyway, I love this beard thing Tom has going on, mmmm, please don't shave it probably took him 3 months to get that 5 o'clock shadow, HAHA.

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