Friday, October 09, 2009

This is Mothaflippin Hockey Post!

Because of School and because of work I have managed to miss pretty much every Hockey game thus far...I know!

I really don't know how I'm surviving, I mean I'm getting by on watching the same Tom Croft video over and over again on youtube but that just doesn't cut it. That's like eating only bread, I love bread, but I'd also would love some apples, and bananas, and grapes, you know? So to try and fight this drought, I'm doing a hockey post!

Its been too long, to be perfectly honest! Rugby, and its buff boys have taken over but I still maintain, that hockey is one of the best sports! But that's neither here nor there lets get to the photos! AND the fact that Our Lord and Saviour, Sidney Crosby, dominates is purely accidental, I swear! I cannot help that the Kid is everywhere!

Rick Nash what else is new? LOL

OH MY! Boys, boys, boys! There's plenty of me to go around!

My Little brother Luke Schenn, he's one of the good brothers!

Bow down to greatness, bitches!

Of course he scored, OF COURSE!

This one is for Marc Staal, okay? No seriously it is!

Brooks Laich and Ovie, OH YEA!


Feel inadequate yet?

Hey babe, so how are things in San Jose, did everything work out?

HAT TRICK! I think this qualifies as a yes.

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