Saturday, August 08, 2009


Ok So I take back everything I said about the Dolly Rockers, despite the fact that their image was the work of some hard, reimagining skills on part of their handlers/record label( see:before). There's still some humour to their songs, there's some irony to their image. They're fun, they're hot, they've got a unique style, and their music is acutally pretty good, pop electronic, and they're all of legal age, yey!

Why the sudden change of heart?

Firstly, I thought I judged them too harshly at first, I loved their personalities, they seemed like a fun bunch of girls, I just wasn't down with the way they were marketed but that has all changed because I get it. I didn't at first but now I do! So now we're cool.

Secondly and most importantly, I was exposed to this nuclear waste of a song/video:


Another Guirella style video except the Dolly Rockers did it better.

I mean, they acutally filmed the video in Wal-Mart? In McDonalds? That's so cheap. That's so tragic. This is so white trash I'm embarssed for them. I'm embarassed because they think its good, they thing they look good, they think that 'OMG LYKE THIS VIDEO IS WAI KEWL'.

How old are these girls by the way? Can't be more than 16 and yet they're wearing bras and an inch of cloth parading as a skirt, as outside clothes, ON THE STREET.

Where are their parents? Where are the responsible adults?

...oh my bad, when it comes to child stardom, there are no responsible adults only perverted, delusional, leeches.

I'm just left wondering, where will these girls be in 5 years? What will they have gone through? What kinds of relationships will they have with their parents, their peers, their significant others. What's wrong with wanting to become an accountant, or a travel journalist, or an ambassador, why are we telling young girls that they should become actors, singers, and models? Are girls and women only here for our entertainment?

Oh their name? The Lolitas.

I think that sums up everything, really.

PS Chris Hansen would like you to have a seat over there please.

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