Saturday, August 01, 2009


This is a girl band from the UK called the Dolly Rockers (that name), and I'm not sure how I feel about them.

At first I was like: wtf?

Then I was like: yea, they're alright

But now I'm like: Nu Uh!

They seem like a lovely bunch of girls with a kick ass, hot topic accessorized by Claire's, style, but there's a funk of manufacture going on here, and I ain't down with that smell.

I'm not all about hating manufactured bands (HELLO Spice Girls!) BUT it seems that some record execs, took a look at these girls and said 'hey we could defo market this band to young girls who aren't down with Miley Cyrus or Girls Aloud. Young girls who think ~*know one understands them*~ because *~they're lives are so like complicated and stuff*~'


Please, don't sit there and tell me this doesn't smell manufactured. Like I said I'm not against bands being put together, I'm against advertising a band as some sort of alternative to the mainstream pop princesses, because the same amount of planning, investing, and marketing are going in to each type of act. Why not be upfront about it?

Can we take Canada's own Avril Lavigne for example?

Everyone called her the anti-Britney because she played guitar and sang rock music and wore converse. Every girl who was sick of Britney and every wannabe that came after her ate Avril up. What happened when it slowly became apparent that 'hey she didn't write her own songs' and 'hey she's friends with that highly contagious bleeding from every orifice disease'? Well Avril's career is a bit of a stalemate right now. She doesn't grow with her fan base, they grow out of her. She'll forever write songs for 13 year olds. How sad, even Hilary Duff has graduated to 16-20 year olds.

Back to the Dolly Rockers. I think they're all hot. I love their hair, its big and fabulous. I think they're sassy and fun. Love the way they dress but why the guirella style videos? Why the marketing of the 'alternative'? Can't their management/record company just be straight with us and say 'YEA THEY'RE OUR PUPPETS'. Never hurt Britney or Miley, why should the Dollys be any different?

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