Friday, July 03, 2009

Tommy Bowe, Our Hero

Ireland's Tommy Bowe, somehow found a camera and became that guy. OH you know that guy, who at a party 'borrows' your camera, takes embarrassing photos of people you don't know, makes videos with his own commentary, which according to him is the funniest thing in the world, and then returns it with the batteries dead and memory gone. Yes, he's that guy.

We can forgive him though, because he offers up a pretty good Scottish accent and both Luke Fitzgerald and Jamie Roberts are topless! What more could we possibly ask for?

I love how nobody helped Lukey boy out. All the photographers, those vulchers, were just snapping away, waiting for sh*t to go down. It was pretty funny, though, and we got to see Luke's 'love rug'!
Poor Lukey, he has NO idea what's about to go down

The look on his face...LOL. And Jamie seems quite pleased with himself

Look at that rugby training, being pushed into a pool and still he holds on to the ball. Mad skillzzz

If Donny Osmond and [Cartoon] Batman ever had a baby his name would be Jamie Roberts. I cannot be the only one who sees this!

The only thing that matters in this photo is Jamie's back side

Sweet dreams, my friends!

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