Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Just keeps getting better and better. What am I referring to? The 'friendly' rivalry between Tom Croft and James Haskell and his mouth of course. We've touched on this before.

It seems that on the England squad if its not Haskell and his mouth, its Tom Croft, and vice versa. For a while Haskell and his mouth was in the lead, lauded as the next Lawrence Dallaglio
(what crack head made that comparison) and while Tom Croft was still developing his game James and his mouth made an impact on both England and the WASPS. Ugh.

And as his success grew so did his ego. To be fair I've never met The Mouth but you know when you just know by looking at someone, the kind of person they are? Well James and his mouth certainly give off an arrogant egotistical vibe, non? Plus he wear Ed Hardy t-shirts, doesn't that say everything? Tom was trailing for a while but now not only has he met James and his mouth he's also overtaken him. How?

-Tom replaced James and his mouth in this year's six nations...James never took to the field again

-The Leicester tigers went all the way to the Heineken cup final...the WASPs were kicked out early on

-Tom was called as a replacement for Alan Quinlan for the Lions Squad, an honour for any British/Irish Isles player...James' girlfriend left him for her tennis instructor

-Tom was phenomenal during the Lions tour and scored more tries than any Lions forward, EVER...James whined about his ex over twitter

-Tom most likely has a guaranteed spot on the Tigers starting line up...James will be Stade Francais' water boy

-Tom has just been named for England's Senior Elite Player's squad...James, well, he was not included.

Our boy Croft has certainly taken English Rugby by storm. Can you actually believe that a year ago he was fighting for a spot on the Tigers squad and now any coach would have to be seriously deficient not to include him on their starting line up. It seems that Haskell and his mouth were just a flash in the pan...well, one can only hope. Unfortunately for us, Haskell and his mouth won't go down without a fight. Ugh, why?

Karma, its a bitch! You always get yours in the end.

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