Monday, June 08, 2009

Lord Stanley's In The House and Those Short Shots Will Just Not Quit!

This is it, guys. Tomorrow is the day where we'll see if history repeats itself or if Pittsburgh fights to live another day. I must preface my next point with this: I'm a realist, can't help it; I won't fool myself into hope when there's no hope to be had. I'm from Toronto, remember?

Do I think Pittsburgh could win, pushing this final, to game 7? Yes, yes I do!

Do I think they can win in Detroit, which is where game 7 will be? No!

I'm sorry, I'm not all rainbows and sunshine! Agreeing that your team played like crap or believing they can't win doesn't make you any less of a fan. I'm not all of a sudden going to don on the red and white and chant Osgood's name. I respect the Red Wings as a good hockey team and as my team's worthy opponents but they're not my team. And I'm a big enough person to admit that Detroit is the better team, hell probably THE best team.

A 5-0 game, just shows that when push comes to shove, the Pens ain't ready. Hope they can prove me wrong.

Moving on to a less depressing topic, the Lions had a practice...or a training session as they call it and there were pictures. And since its my job now to update the world on anything even romotely related to Tom Croft, it is my duty to post these pictures!

Even from afar those shorts emphasize their gluteus maximus

I'm really quite the stalker investigative journalist because I found Tom Croft in 3 seconds flat

Riki Flutey is here because he gives the best face. Look, he has the ball and he's as giddy as a school girl...that or Tom Croft bent over to tie his boot

Exhibit B: He's srs about stretching, okay!

Those shorts! Oh those shorts. Bless those shorts. Are they even regulation? Does it matter? And how about those biceps? Mmm!

Their faces don't matter. Their names don't matter. They're just here for our sick sick fantasies. But James Hook is certainly airing it out, lol.

Tom is clearly SO OVER this drill!

I cannot get over the length of these shorts. Have they always been this short? These are like booty shorts...I'm not objecting, its just Rugby is family entertainment, ya know?

Oh hai bb! Tom's growing a beard, mmmm, I like!

Look Tom's not paying attention again. He must of seen someone he thought was me, that's why he's so distracted, heh.


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