Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Daniel Heatley Wishes To Depart From The Ottawa Senators

...and the world wonders why no other Senator wishes to do the same.

So Dany Heatley has asked to leave Ottawa...can we really blame him? Fans are in an uproar, Brian Murray's on damage control and making underhanded comments to the media:

"We signed [Heatley] to a long-term deal and we expect him to honour it. At this point in time he's a Senator."

The thing about Heatley is that he is one of the best players in the league, probably the world, it was pretty much him and Alfresson this entire season, the rest of the team just weren't up to task both mentally and physically. Heater's riding out the last years of being 'in his prime', so I could definitely understand why he wants out and why he doesn't want to waste those years on a team that's on a downward spiral.

True, Heater got a second lease on life in Ottawa after Dan Snider's tragic death, and he really proved himself to be a top tier player. The city of Ottawa and the Senator's organization welcomed him and supported him but he's done a lot for this team, he's lead them, propped them up, and breathed new life into games that they had no business even playing in (because they sucked SO BAD). And methinks that there's something going on in that dressing room that's just weighing them down, some kind of dark energy. Even after Ray Emery, their fall guy(justified or not), was unceremoniously kicked out of the club, they still sucked, they still couldn't get it together.

Dany Heatley knows what's up, he knows that Ottawa won't be back in a Stanley Cup final anytime soon, and he knows that with each passing season there's just going to be an Ovechkin/Crosby/Towes/Kane/Stamkos ready and willing to be the next star of the NHL, he needs to get it together soon if he wants a Stanley Cup ring. I won't be upset if he moves somewhere else. Neither should any other Sens/Hockey fan, honestly that situation there, has bad juju written all over it, get out while you can boys...well except for you Spezza, you can stay.

PS Even Raymond Emery has moved on to greener pastures. Homeboy just signed on with the Philadelphia Flyers

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