Monday, June 15, 2009

Let's talk about Jamie Roberts for a Moment

Jamie Roberts is what you'd call a 'catch'. He's tall, handsome, soft spoken, has nice teeth, has a nice smile, and not only is he a professional athlete (which means he looks good naked), he's also a med student. That's right, our boy Roberts is studying to be a Doctor.

A generation [or two] ago you basically landed the motherload if you snagged yourself a doctor, this day in age not so much because to be perfectly honest, us women don't need y'all, plus who wants to be married to a dude who's never home and has a god complex.


BUT if you brought Roberts home to your mother, she'd probably squee, make him a nice cup of tea, fix his favorite meal, and interrogate him about weddings and grandchildren, and force him to make promises about Christmas dinner, and going on the annual family vacation...Well at least I know my mother would and my mum, she's tricky. She'll get you Jamie Roberts! She'll make you her son-in-law, whether its through me or my sister! You better stay away...but don't tell Croft, he doesn't need to know any of this.

Anyways, back on point here. Jamie Roberts is hot, seems gentlemanly enough, and has a gentle Welsh accent, that will melt your knickers in 2 seconds flat. If Tom Croft and I weren't already in a really serious relationship, I'd totally be down for Roberts. Maybe he can be what satisfies my 7 year itch...and again, Tom Croft doesn't need to know!

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