Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Riki Flutey Is Climbing Up In The Ranks

Riki Flutey is such a keener! Look at him with his knapsack, and his socks pulled up to his knees. Look how ready he is with his music player, to play a song that I've heard before sometime in my dentist's chair. He's quickly becoming my favourite, he's like a kid with ADD, but in a good way. And when he starts singing, Jamie Roberts is slightly embarrassed but at the same time he kind of loves it (surprisingly enough, Flutey's got a decent voice)Maybe this is a private thing him and Flutey do together and he just doesn't want to share it with the world. Oh Riki, how insensitive of you!

Further evidence of their bromance:

The look of satisfaction on Flutey's face...he's touching Roberts' shoulder and you're not! Jealous?

Look at the firm grip Flutey's got on his Welsh friend. Someone's a stage 5 clinger, we're not naming any names but I think you know of whom I speak

PS Saturday nights at the movies? At least we know Crofty's behaving himself

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