Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Its Playoff Time, Suckas: Round 1 Predictions Vs Results

Western Conference
Boston vs Montreal

My Prediction: Boston in Six
Actual Result: Boston in Four

While I was fully aware of the fact that there was no chance in hell that Montreal was going to beat Boston I had thought they would have put up a better fight than they did, considering last year's disappointment and this year's centennial celebration. I had thought they boys would have fought for their fans, who are the most passionate in the league, and for the dynasty of which they are a part of because let's be honest, if there were no Montreal Canadiens there would be no NHL. PERIOD.

Washington vs New York

My Prediction: Washington in Six
Actual Result: Washington in Seven

So I was one game off, and Washington did worry me a little by the boys did not let me down! This was one of the most exciting match-ups of the first round! What Washington lacked (strong goal tending) New York had; and what New York Lacked (Power Forwards) Washington had. This on was pretty much end to end hockey...the best kind! Can we talk about how amazing Lundqvist is? He stood on his head for this team and was the main reason they were winning games but unfortunately one man can't do it all, especially the goalie, and Washington wore him down. Sean Avery was a cold sore, yes but you could tell he eats lunch alone and is the last picked in dodge ball because his team just isn't feeling him. Its kind of pathetic, really! Oh and John Tortorella? LULz:

Maybe the fan asked him about The Quiz? He he.

New Jersey
vs Carolina

My Prediction: New Jersey in Seven
Actual Result: Carolina in Seven

Ugh. In my personal opinion Carolina doesn't deserve to be in the playoffs let alone winning the first round. Cam Ward is over rated. New Jersey is the better team. And yet these bitches still managed to win. Its still irks me to this day that a player like Chad Larose, Chad Larose, has his name on the Stanley Cup and Rick Nash as only made ONE playoff appearance. Where's the justice? Oh well they'll get theirs! Aha aha ahahahahahahahahahahaha!

Pittsburgh vs Philadelphia

My Prediction: Pittsburgh in Six
Actual Result: Pittsburgh in Six

Yey! I was right! Even though earlier in the regular season people were wondering if Pittsburgh would even make the playoffs, it looks like the boys found the chemistry and momentum they had last year that took them all the way to the finals. Crosby was great but I'm more impressed with Malkin, homeboy was phenomenal! Last year he flew under the radar this year, he wants it! He wants it so bad he can taste it!

Eastern Conference

San Jose vs Anaheim

My Precition: San Jose in Six
Actual Result: Anaheim in Six

WTF San Jose? WTH is wrong with you? Arguably THE best team in the league this year and y'all get kicked out of the first round by the Anaheim Neanderthals? What is wrong with The Sharks? Regular season they're phenomenal. Playoffs roll around and bitches can't get shit done. Ugh, Chris Pronger is still in the playoffs. There really is no justice!

Detroit vs Columbus

My Prediction: Detroit in Five (wah)
Actual Result: Detroit in Four

This hurts me, hurts me. Rick Nash and the boys couldn't even come up with a single win. I thought at least one game, one game, where Mason would be phenomenal and Umberger, Nash, and Vermette would be off the hook. I mean Mason was impressive but Umberger was the only one on the radar...At least they brought it in game four and only lost by one goal as opposed to 7 billion AND even Little Shake scored, tnawwww. Now they're the only team in the NHL who has never won a playoff game...I can't talk about this, its too painful!

Vancouver vs St Louis

My Prediction: Vancouver in Six
Acutal Result: Vancouver in Four

So the Canucks swept the Blues but St. Louis didn't make it easy for them. Every game was anyone's game, it was edge of your seat, nail bitting action! St. Louis has a very skilled team and in that department both teams were pretty much even HOWEVER Vancouver has Roberto Luongo who was OUTSTANDING! Nabokov? Who's that?

Chicago vs Calgary

My Prediction: Chicago in Six
Actual Result: Chicago in Six

Who knew? Ok I did! LOL. Even though I had Chicago pegged as the winner I was still rooting for Calgary because they're Canadian and they have Jerome Iginla so its kind of the law! But like the Sharks I knew Calgary would let me down. They're like your deat beat dad: they promise you, they'll take you to wonderland for your birthday. Your birthday rolls around. You put on your best dungerees, your new converse, you have your back pack ready, made an itnerary of where you'll go and when and, you wait at the door...and you wait at the door...and you wait at the door...and finally its 3:00 and you get a call from your dad telling you he's not coming but he'll make it up to you 'I promise' That's Calgary during the playoffs. That's San Jose.

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