Tuesday, March 17, 2009

If the Playoffs Started Today: Western Conference Edition, Round 1

Here are the teams currently in a playoff spot

2)San Jose

A) Detroit Vs Dallas

Probable winner: Gee, this one sure is tough...DETROIT, obviously!

B) San Jose Vs Nashville

Probable winner: I think Nashville will put up a good fight but the Sharks have Nabokov so, San Jose!

C) Calgary Vs Columbus

Probable winner: Oh my love Rick Nash, I love you babe but if we're being honest, which we are, its going to be Calgary, and you know it too!

D)Chicago Vs Vancouver

Probable winner: Now this one will be interesting and at this point in time I have absolutely no clue, they're pretty much tied. Chicgao has Kane and Towes but Vancouver has Luongo and in the playoffs if you ain't got goaltending, you ain't got nothing. Its proven time and time again. So who knows

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