Friday, February 20, 2009

Rick Nash Spent The Night

Last night my delinquent little brother, the leafs played, my husband and the blue jackets. And shockingly enough, my little snot nosed brother actually held his own, all the way to shoot-outs! But they should have known better, you can't beat Rick Nash in shoot-outs, PLEASE!

I really wanted the Blue Jackets to win, so they could be in a playoff spot. See in the western conference, you can win 5 games be in 6th place and then loose 1 and then all of a sudden you're in 11th place, its THAT tight of a race over there! So the blue jackets need to fight every night to make it to the playoffs, so Rick Nash can come home to me, in Toronto and possibly bring Lord Stanley with him

...that might be wishful thinking but like I've always said Rick Nash only ever wanted to bring the jackets to the playoffs, he never said he wanted to win them a cup. And as of today, they're in the playoffs...and he's a free-agent this season. Come home Rick, come home!


The officials seemed to be out to lunch yesterday. In the first period the blue jackets *cough*Raffi Torres*cough* made some questionable hits and there was no penalty called. And when Jared Boll knocked over Pogge, Schenn had enough of this foolishness:

With his iron grip it seems like Schenn tired to be like 'listen, bitch I am sick of yo shit! stop it or youse getting a beat down', Boll did not head his warning and went for a punch, and Schenn just wrestled him down and was like 'look man, I don't think you understand, I WILL fuck you up!'. Despite my primodial attraction to Boll, I was very proud of our Luke. Standing up for his goalie, his team, even Uncle Brian was proud!

LOL then after the commentators were like 'euuuu Luke, don't fight with that guy! You're better than that. Don't waste your time on him' They're so disgusted with Boll, LMAO

Things got so heated last night that even Little Shake, Kris Russell, tried to get into some action with Dominic Moore. Tnawwww, Little Shake, leave the fights to the big boys, ok baby?

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