Monday, February 16, 2009

O Hai Thar Tom Croft

So all this time while my focus of English Rugby has been solely on the London WASPS, other teams have escaped my attention, well that ends now, with the introduction of the Leicester Tigers' Tom Croft!

Tom's in a point in his career where his ears have not yet turned to cauliflower and his brow has not yet grown to neanderthal status, so in other words he's ripe for the picking, for the purposes of this blog...which, really doesn't have a purpose. WHATEVER the boy's hot! And even though he's got douche (or wanker if you're across the pond) written all over him I'd hit it and so would you! He's tall (6'5, mmmm), still has his neck, and is good looking, so why are we still talking?


Tom *hearts Tom. Look at the desire in Croft's eyes he wants Varndell, BAD!

Yea, yea, yea, England, Schmngland. You know they can never beat the powerful triumvirate that is Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, keep dreamin' boys!

This one is particularly douchey but he's hot and he's not our boyfriend, so its all good

This one's for the ladies! Damn look at that treasure trail, I mean yea that's not all there is to look at, ugh this picture is so damn hot

This one is for my homosexual brothers (and me), fantasize away boys!

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