Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Blue Jackets had a Fashion Show

Rick Nash
wasn't there so it wasn't that serious. Jared Boll (who should never smile ever again) was there with his adorable little friend Kris Russell...there were other players too but whatever.

It was all for a good cause and the kids were so darn cute and I am SO jealous of that adorable little girl who got to kiss Jared and Kris, homegirl's got game, what can I say?

Kris Russell looks so good all cleaned up, just like I said he would. Hopefully he takes something away from this! You better get on that girls! Why have Boll who, when he smiles looks like something that lives under your stairs, when you can have the uber-cuteness that is Kris Russell.

see look what I do for you Russell! I think deserve some kind of reward like a night alone with your captain or if you can't swing that a night alone with your roommate. I scratch you back you scratch mine...

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