Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cabbie at the All-Star Game

I've been waiting for this, for weeks. I knew it was coming and I knew it was going to be good, Cabbie never fails us, people!

  • Cabbie's chemistry with Ovechkin is amazing, they should have their own show
  • Love it when Cabbie calls out Heatley 'he's you a couple years ago...what happened'
  • Its always good when they play along with the joke, who knew Marc Savard was so funny
  • I love the inside joke he has with all the Staal brothers, how he's the 5th Staal brother. Marc and Jordan play it better but this is Eric's best showing so we won't knock him
  • I'm getting douche bag vibes from Carey Price, UH OH!

but Cabbie, where's Rick Nash?

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