Monday, January 26, 2009

Thanks for the Insult and the Compliment

From David Thorpe c/o Nashville Scene:

1. KINGS OF LEON, "SEX ON FIRE" | Titles like this are totally wasted on bands like this -- imagine how classic a song called "Sex on Fire" would be if it were by Soft Cell or Suicide or something. At least it's not a huge disappointment, since we already know that Kings of Leon aren't a homo-erotic synth-pop duo but a gaggle of brawny, sincere Southerners who've earned the fawning adulation of the UK press and the bitter hatred of the US hipster press (and probably warrant neither). They're one of those minor trifles that'll be caught in a they-suck/no-they-don't tug of war for a few more years before getting shelved for decades and rediscovered as visionary geniuses by the hipbots of 2025. (Not that they deserve it -- that's just how it works.)

Oh snap!

I'm not agreeing. I'm not disagreeing. You know how I feel about the Kings. You know how I feel about OBTN, I'm only posting this because well, I think they need a good smack! Don't you agree?

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