Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Rick Nash got a Hattrick Last Night

Against the Almighty Detroit Red Wings. In overtime. In Columbus. AND remained sexy while doing so. This is why Rick Nash is a beast, this is why he's husband no. 5.

Oh he wants it guys, he wants that playoff run, that shot at Lord Stanley, his first career appearance.

Can you believe it, Rick 'f*cking' Nash has never made the playoffs in the NHL? I don't think there's a player out there today who deserves it more than him. Spending his career thus far in a market that has been slow growing, and the players lacklustre. Everyone always said, unless Columbus can get players that can play with Nash, they ain't making the playoffs. Scary to think Commodore might be one of those players (he got two assists last night, wtf?). But Fliatov looks promising. He's been amazing straight off the bat (like Luke Schenn) but will he develop in time? And will Rick wait that long? Isn't he a free agent at the end of this season? Rick never said he wanted to bring a cup to Columbus, being cautious not to make such a loaded promise, he's only ever said he wants to bring them to the playoffs, for the first time in franchise history and after that who knows...

Please let it happen. Columbus is on the brink. Currently 9th place in the Western Conference you need to be at least 8th to make the playoffs. Please boys, bring Nash to the playoffs! Do it for your Captain!

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