Sunday, January 11, 2009


I love me some Cheryl Cole but referring to Girls Aloud as Cheryl and Co. is offensive. She's not even the best singer, that title belongs to Nadine! UGH what is that all about? Just SO OFFENSIVE!!! Anyways on to the hotness!

Well hello there Kimba! Girlfriend, is lookin good!

Oh...Nadine is a beautiful girl but sometimes she has a tendency to look like a chimpmunk...this is one of those times. WHATEVER! She's tall, talented, rich and beautiful, that's more than you'll ever be, so don't hate!

I don't think I'll ever get over how sassy Nicola is. She's got such a sweet face but then she starts singing and sticking her finger up in the air, givin' us attitude, DAMN GIRL!
Sarah, darling, can we talk? Ok stop with the raccoon eyes. Stop with the partying. Get some sleep and eat a healthy diet of bangers and mash, kthxbye!

Oh you know you want her, stop foolin yourselves!

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