Friday, November 14, 2008

That was fast!

It has just been announced that Blake Lively will grace Febuaray's cover of VOGUE MAGAZINE!


I thought another year would pass for that to even be contemplated????? Looks like we only have to wait 3 months, how exciting!

Now let's not talk about the reasons as to why she's going to be on the cover and let's just focus on the fact that she's going to be on a Vogue cover!!!!!

Do you know how many people are probably losing their shit right now? Have the Olsen twins ever made the cover? Because they're so ~*fashion forward*~????

You know, I don't think they ever have, OH SNAP!

Instead of cutting herself a certain someone apparently reads my blog, and a day after Blake's Vogue cover was announced it was announced that she's returning to TV and will star in a new NBC series.

I don't know about this move, guest starring is one thing but an entire tv series? An adult non-disney series? An adult non-disney series that she has to carry?

I just don't think she's there yet.

BUT if her show makes it past the first season, I'll jump off a bridge because no doubt it will be a piece of shit, and I won't be able to take the fact that masterpieces like Freaks and Geeks gets canceled after a season and pieces of shit like Lizzie McGuire the college years remains successful, how is that even fair?

BUT we'll cross that bridge if and when the time comes but to be honest I really don't see this being successful, sorry to say, I could be wrong and hope for her sake I am but besides me and 5 other girls, who gives a fuck about Hilary Duff?

PS when did this turn into an entertainment blog...GROSS!

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