Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Liam Gallagher shares my sentiment

From NME:

Despite being a Kings of Leon fan, Liam Gallagher has said that he doesn't like the band's new album 'Only By The Night'

"I like Kings of Leon, but I don't know about this fucking new record," he declared. "I like the old stuff. I like (Caleb Followill’s) voice. When they first come out I was going, 'Who the fuck is this?' They were cool, and now they've all got their sleeves cut off"

"It seems to me they've gone for the bucks, man. I'm not dissing them because I fucking really like them, but it's like they've got this U2 sound and you can do better than that."

I rarely agree with the Gallagher brothers' 'I know everything there is to know about rock n' roll' attitude BUT this is EXACTLY how I feel! I'm still a fan, I still love them, they're still in the top 5, hell I'm going to see them on Friday HOWEVER, Only by the Night (with a few exceptions) BLOWS, and I'm not afraid to say it! And apparently Liam and I aren't the only ones who feel this way.

I mean this was a band who wrote Spiral Staircase and now we have sentimental U2 rip-offs like Use Somebody, bitch please!

Here's their new video for none other than 'Use Somebody' and to add insult to injury, Caleb is rolling around with that home wrecking model. So this song is about her, huh, Caleb? Well it definitely explains why its such a sissy pile o' shite. Good luck seeing the kids now babe, we're definitely done!

Kings of Leon - Use Somebody

PS I'm still totally stoked at seeing them this Friday, here's hoping they play mostly of their old stuff!!!!!!!!

PPS And to think I was so excited for their new album, who knew it would end up in divorce?

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