Wednesday, November 05, 2008

El Presidente Obama

Congratulations America, you made the right choice, for the first time in 8 years, you've made the right choice!

As you friendly neighbour to the North we were a little concerned for you for a while now. After the war in Iraq we didn't know what you crazy Yanks would do next.

After a while it became apparent that the crazy things your government would do was not a reflection on you as a people, those in government took the power given to them and ran with it, all the while telling you that everything was ok, when it wasn't...we knew what was up, but given the fact that you have this crazy ass media culture I guess it would be hard to read between the lines when every news outlet is filled with spin and bullshit.

But I digress, I am glad that you chose the right man in Barack Obama, now don't be too hard on him, he's got a lot of work to do, a lot of work that will take more than four years to complete.

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