Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Alexander Semin has some choice words for Hockey Jesus

From TSN

"What's so special about (Crosby)?" Semin told Yahoo! Sports through a translator. "I don't see anything special there. Yes, he does skate well, has a good head, good pass. But there's nothing else. Even if you compare him to Patrick Kane from Chicago.(Kane) is a much more interesting player. The way he moves, his deking abilities, his thinking on the ice and his anticipation of the play is so superb."

"I think that if you take any player, even if he is "dead wood," and start promoting him, you'll get a star," he told Yahoo! Sports. "Especially if he scores 100 points. No one is going to care about anyone else. No one is going to care whether he possesses great skill. Let's say you put someone in front of the net and let him deflect pucks in, and he scored 50 goals; everyone will say "Wow!" and then hand him a $10 million per year contract. That's what they like here."

I definitely understand Semin likening Crosby to 'dead wood' in terms of personality because Sidney's actually kind of boring BUT Sidney is a kick ass player no doubt about it!

Reading between the lines, it seems that Semin is comparing Crosby to Ovechkin PUH-LEEZE that's so 2006, can we move on please?

I like both Crosby and Ovechkin, both are fantastic players, and I think are pretty much equal in terms of talent. Crosby is more of a finesse player where as Ovechkin is electric, its hard to compare their style of play.

Ovechkin absolutely has the personality to be a star but Crosby is a good Canadian boy from a small town, with working class parents, who worked his way from Cole Harbor to International stardom. Its the Hockey world's wet dream, Ovechkin's effervescent personality can't compete with that, not in the NHL anyway. I mean there's no possible way that the best player in the world could be Russian ONLY Canadians are good at Hockey, ONLY we're the best!

And for those of you who don't believe that's what its all about quit being so naive or so blatantly ignorant because that's EXACTLY what its about. If Ovechkin were Canadian hell even American, would there even be a rivalry?

Methinks not!

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