Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So what's it doing for him?

We know that Dion's philandering has gotten him a video game cover but what of Mike Comrie? What's boinking Lizzie McGuire got him? Sure he's gotten floor tickets to an LA Lakers game (boo!!!! go Celtics !!!!!!!!!) but in terms of his career, of endorsement deals, of being one of the faces of hockey????? What is Mike Comrie getting out of this?

NADA, that's what!

I guess its entirely possible that, he loves ~*Hil*~ for ~*Hil*~, and that this relationship is completely selfless and giving, etc. etc. etc. But unfortunately the tooth fair doesn't exist, we don't go to care bare land when we die AND the good guys rarely win. Do not be fooled people, this is the era of who you date or how much you're photographed can help further your career. Their relationship is on public display, they want us to watch, to fantasize about weddings and babies, so that we'll buy their albums, their clothing lines, and so the calls keeping coming from various sponsors/designers/organizers.

9 times out of 10 when you see candids of a celeb, they or their people have called various agencies to catch them going ~*grocery shopping*~ or ~*buying lattes*~ or ~*walking their dog(s)*~. Nothing is an accident when it comes to Hollywood, and Mike and Hilary are no different. BUT unfortunately for Michael it seems that Gatorade/RBK/Nike-Bauer/Under Armour hell even the NHL itself doesn't give a damn that Mike Comrie is boinking the Duff.


Sorry Mike! You'll never get to stand beside Peyton Manning, EAT YOUR HEART OUT!!!

Probably because Mike had his shot for NHL stardom and fucked it up, probably in Edmonton, where he allegedly fucked someone's wife, but that's never been confirmed so who knows, right? *cough* Plus he's never developed into a standout player, sure on the New York Islanders he's the 2nd best player but guys its the New York Islanders, my delinquent little brother, the Toronto Maple Leafs, placed better than them! I'm pretty sure I'd be a star player on the NYI. When 2010 comes DO NOT be surprised when Steve Yzerman DOES NOT call Mike Comrie to be a part of Team Canada. I mean why would you want Comrie when you can have Crosby, Nash, Heatley, Richards, Staals (all 4), Spezza, Lecavalier, Doan, Keith, Green, Savard, I need to go on?

But don't you fret, all you Mike + Hilary lovers, he'll never get rid of the Duff even if its doing nothing for his career, I mean could Mike do better than Hilary Duff??? Methinks not!!!! She'll definitely be doing the dumping! Which I hopes she does soon because she deserves so much better!

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