Thursday, June 26, 2008

Coles Notes on the NHL

My Delinquinent Little Brother, the Toronto Maple Leafs are getting rearranged:

Fletch, T.O.'s non GM but acting like a GM is currently cleaning for real! They bought out Tucker, placed Raycroft, and Wellwood on waivers (Wellwood was just picked up by the Canucks...why Vancouver? why?) and apparently, that useless defencemen, McCabe is next on the hit list. WOW all the players I thought the Leafs would NEVER get rid of are all on their way out in a matter of days. I might have to start actually liking the ligitmately and not out of obligation...hell hath frozen over indeed (Oh and Sundin's totally gone!)

Vincent Levcavalier signs his life away:

Vinny signs a life sentence with the Tampa Bay Lightning and will get $77 million over nine years. I just have this feeling that this is exactly the kind of deal Levcavalier should NOT have made...I guess you can never really tell how a team will fare, I mean look at Philly, last season they were last in the league and this season they made it all the way to the 2nd round of the playoffs. If he stays (which he is) then I hope he wins Tampa another cup.

Hossa's being a little bitch:

Apparently Marian Hossa does not want to stay in Pittsburgh because they aren't offering him enough money, which is all fine and well and everything BUT a) he said he was willing to take less money to stay with a good team...apparently not and b) according to TSN, The pens were offering Hossa a Jerome Iginla type deal...all I have to say is Jerome Iginla is a leader, an amazing player, a good guy, a guy with integrity; he scores, he checks, he drops the gloves; Jerome Iginla is one of the best players in the league; Marian Hossa is no Jerome Iginla! But do you know what the worst part is? Some stupid GM on some other team will pay Marain Hossa an exuberant amount of money, just so he can disappear in the playoffs, and move to another team when February rolls around...yea Hossa is tooooooootally worth more than Jerome Iginla, bitch please!

Gart Robert wishes to spread fear to another hockey franchise:

Gary Robers will not be back with the pens next year. After making it all the way to the Stanley Cup finals Roberts will not be back...he says its because, Ray Shero needs cap space to sign other players but I think it has something to do with his relationship with the pens coaching staff...but hey that's just me

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