Saturday, March 29, 2008

Celebrity Playlists, ITS WAR: Me VS. Cam Ward

I only have one reason for disliking Cam[eron] Ward, and its a damn good reason! Anyone would agree...well anyone outside of Alberta (oh snap!)

I was browsing iTunes' celebrity playlists and they had a bunch of playlists from hockey players, I could hate on Ryan Miller some more because he actually states that Poison has some good songs (really??? what fucked up universe does Miller come from?) but I decided on Cam[eron] Ward because even though they both openly state that they like Nickelback, Cam[eron] Ward is better looking than Ryan Miller and I'd rather have Ward's pic on my blog than Miller's, truth be told!

What????? Miller's face is TOOOOOOTALLY lopsided...hey this blog is meant to be judgmental and superficial, so don't hate!

Cam[eron] Ward's Celebrity Playlist:

1)Fix you-Coldplay

Cam[eron] says: I like how it starts mellow and then the guitar solo takes over
I say: Oh, we know how I feel about this song!

2)Oh be joyful-Matthew Good
Cam[eron] says: It' a very upbeat song
I say: I can't argue with Matt Good, he's like a god to me but srsly Cam[eron] couldn't you come up with a better justification than that?!?!?!?!

3)Over my head-The Fray
Cam[eron] says: no explanation given
I say: I don't think I've ever met someone who actually likes The Fray

4)Move along-All American Rejects
Cam[eron] says: More recent, new flavour
I say: Cam[eron] is a real Shakespeare, eh? Nice explanation, dude! PS I can't hate All American Rejects are like a HUGE guilty pleasure of mine!

5)Point to Proove-Theory of a Dead Man
Cam[eron] says: I like the heavy guitar and the singer's voice
I say: Oh you mean Theory of a Nickel Creed??? NOW this I can hate on. This band is so bad! They had to show up on a Much Music reality television show just to get some press...with that said I'd totally 'get down' with the lead singer in a heartbeat!
6)Everlong-Foo Fighters
Cam[eron] says: I like the intro that carries over into the song
I say: I'm not going to lie, I love this song!
Cam[eron] says: Nickelback is one of my favourite bands
I say: This is the reason why I cannot like Cam[eron] Ward; he openly admits to liking Nickelback. Wayne Gretzky is also on my blacklist because he appeared in this very video! WOW I think I've solved the great mystery that is, 'who are Nickleback's fans?': Hockey players and Albertans.

8)The Rising-Bruce Springsteen
Cam[eron] says: no explanation given
I say: I LOVE The Boss, good job Cam[eron]!

9)Galvanize-Chemical Brothers
Cam[eron] says: I like the beats and bass
I say: I'm pretty sure Cam[eron] likes this song, not because he's a fan of electronica/trip hop/big beat, but because every single frickin' arena plays Galvanize in between plays! Don't believe me? For proof CLICK HERE!

10)The Hand That Feeds-Nine Inch Nails
Cam[eron] says: I like the guitar solos during the song
I say: Again, my skepticism kicks in, and I'm like 100% sure that Cam[eron] just heard this song on the radio and decided that he liked it, not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm just saying, Cam[eron] isn't an NIN fan, ya know?

11)Because of you-Nickelback
Cam[eron] says: heavy guitar that gets you fired up
I say: Surprise, surprise, Nickelback makes another appearance. When I first heard this song, it made me laugh...its that bad!

The Verdict: Cam[eron] Ward's musical taste isn't entirely unfortunate BUT the fact that Nickelback is mentioned not once but TWICE and the fact that he openly laments that Nickelback is one of his favourite bands, Cam[eron], your Playlist sucks!!!!!!!

PS I think you also need to take a creative writing class in the off-season, I know Hockey players aren't exactly the brightest of the bunch but come on dude, this is the best you can do???? Maybe I just expect too much from you guys...

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