Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I've been studying for a super scary mid-term and my parents just left for the motherland a few days ago, so the past week has been pretty busy and thus I have not posted anything for a few days. This post is just to let you know that I'm alive, and that I am aware of throat-slashing, and my beloved Ottawa senators trades and acquisitions.

ANYWAYS just to wet your appetites here's a video of a 13 yr old Sidney Crosby...Fuck he was creepy! He had such composure and maturity, its not natural! It's freaking me out! He's got to be an alien or a cyborg or a cyborg alien, whatever, that shit just ain't kosher! Way to give me the creeps Crosby!

HAAAAAAA, his voice is so high! Since we're the same age and I'm crazy, I hypothesized that if Sidney and I were in the same class, he would have NEVER had a chance with me back then...but good thing we weren't, I'd kill myself like right now because not only is he awkwardly good looking, but he's fucking rich! Oh shut up, try paying your own way through university...HATERS!

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