Thursday, January 17, 2008

ZOMG LyKE LAuREn ConRaD izz AT a Hockee GaME

I'm insanely jealous of Lauren Conrad!!!!!!!!!!


a)her hair ALWAYS looks good
b)she is essentially talentless and boring yet gets paid a bajillion dollars for cameras to follow her around and document her life
c)all that she's accomplished in life has been handed to her on a silver plater, no real effort was required of her
d)she has a killer shoe collection
e)I love her clothes(I would however wear most of the clothes she wears differently, since her style really isn't mine, but she has what they call in the fashion world "good pieces")
f) She got front row tickets to a hockey game

Sure it was in LA but do you know what kind of voodoo I would have to preform to even get those kinds tickets in Toronto, assuming, of course, that I would have the $30 000 it would cost me for each seat.

And what does homegirl know about hockey anyway? NOTHING, that's what! and like everything else in her life those tickets were probably given to her free of charge...BITCH! I'm not bitter, not bitter at all!

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