Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Nouvelle Vague

First and Foremost, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!

yey first post of 2008!!!!

My New year's eve plans didn't go as planned BUT it was a hell of a lot better than other New Years I've had. My friend and I wanted to go downtown but when I got to her house we were trapped by her parents and her parent's friends (EW grown ups) so we sat in her den, had a few beers caught up ('cause I hadn't seen her since September), even though it was chill, it was good. Finally we realized that it was 10:30 and if we wanted to make it on time to the countdown, well then maybe it was high time we left.

When we got on the subway, these two baby faced drunk boys started talking to us, we were pretty gone too, so the conversation we had didn't make much sense (and I don't recall much of it). So we were on the corner of Dundas and um some other street, when the fireworks went off. We welcomed 2008 on a street corner getting drenched by the snow, and screamed 'Happy New Year' with all the other people who were late to the party, whatevs, we still had good times.We caught the cast of 'We will rock you' singing 'we are the champions' then came the crowd...

I'm like seriously hoping that no outbreak of undeadly-ness (i.e. zombies) infects Toronto, because holy shit, that was a WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE! and how the hell am I supposed to run for my life when a bajillion people are in my way...and that's not even the entire population of T.O. either, ugh! But my friend and I were smart we walked to a subway stop in the opposite direction and got seats...SCORE!

My night ended up at McDonald(gross I know, but what else is open at like 2am???) eating the greasiest 1/4 pounder EVER!

All in all it was a good night I [sort of] caught the countdown live, I got to spend time with a really good friend, AND I can already feel change in the air, which is kind of big since traditionally I've never understood the deal with New Years, it just was just "meh", but 2008, methinks you're going to be a good one!

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