Thursday, January 31, 2008

And The Oscar Goes To...

My boys. My penguins. My angels. I love them to no end but this video is the most painfully embarrassing shit ever conceived:


I love how Colby Cheese is not convinced of his own 'superstar' status: "You know because of who I am(?????)"*shifty eyese*, but who are you Colby, who are you...which of course brings us to Maxim Talbot. Maxim Talbot is probably the hardest to watch, I mean the whole McLovin joke was hilarious but his 'Ode to McLovin' reminds of high school assemblies, when our guidance counselors tried to relate to us and they'd say something like:
"yo what is up DAWG? how is it going? what is the 411, G? I will keep it on the down low! I can get jiggy with it! who let the dogs out? raise the roof homie, word to your mother!"
Our response: *crickets*
I'm soooooooo embarassed for them! The only one left with a shred of dignity is Malkin and that's because he doesn't say anything.

These are the times when I really regret me and Jordan Staal not being bff, we'd rip on these guys hard!!!!!!!!! and then chug some beer, woot! I hope husband no. 5 is laughing (with his girly laugh) his ass off over this. I know I'd never let them live it down...EVER!

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