Tuesday, October 02, 2007

It's complicated

I'm having trouble concentrating on my readings. I have an assignment due on Friday and a test next week. I've started the studying ( have 2 1/2 chapters left) but my assignment remains untouched and last week I slept through my tutorial. O.M.G. what's wrong with me??? I was doing so well, why am I slipping already???

...I guess not all is lost, its only the 4th week of school and I'm only a week behind readings, I could be in a worse situation(and have been), so I guess I just need not freak out, meditate and just immerse myself in these readings,non?

Davida invited me to her birthday, I want to go BUT I'm not going to know anybody there and I don't have a bf to drag along with me (which I would so do!) to reduce the levels of awkward, so I honestly don't know if I'll go...did I mention all her friends have significant others??? who knew being single was such a rarity? ARGH!!!!

PS I'm totally going back to my puck bunny days, why do I find Dany Heatley sexually attractive, WHY???? his teeth aren't even real...but he's so fucking hot

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