Wednesday, December 20, 2006

was frisked, shouldn't the fact that I have a vagina eliminate that possibility

So tonight's the night when I emoed it up with that Alexisonfire concert (condemn me now!). Their opening acts were horrible, utterly horrible...then again I wasn't expecting to be blown away.

They're a good live act, too bad I'm NEVER going to see them EVER again live, like EVER! ugh I feel so dirty!

I felt so out of place! If they weren't emo kids, they were straight out of a laugna beach episode; I pretty much lost my mind! I kept on asking myself "what the hell am I doing here? I LISTEN TO SUFJAN STEVENS FOR GOD'S SAKE!" I was so uncomfortable!

Ok here's how I felt (analogy time!): I felt like a UFT student (which I am by they way, wut! wut!) at York AKA better and smarter than everyone else present ( people still use that?)Oh god it was so wrong, SO WRONG! Leah Miller was there and the fact that I knew she was there and saw her, shows just how bad of a rock star girlfriend she is! Like hello you're supposed to be BACKSTAGE sniffing coke not ON the stage trying to look like you actually like your boyfriend's band, like come on woman BE PROFESSIONAL! ew why am I talking about her? she totally got a nose job though like, for real!

I have work at 9am tomorrow,boo! I love how when school goes on break or ends, I enter into the 9-5(:30) world, now that is something I object to!

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