Thursday, December 28, 2006

Check List

Today I:

-Bought my friends' Christmas presents(yes I waited for the boxing week sales, SO WHAT?) : even though this sort of makes the passion of my previous post null and void, I must tell you that I bought them books in true nerd fashion, OK?

-Discovered that people really are chickens: in the sense that they have no memory, as in, if someone is sort of BAT SHIT CRAZY then being friends with them again is not a good idea but I regress, who am I to judge?

-Discovered that I enjoy the fantasy of men far more then I enjoy the reality, as in I liked it better when I thought he was a pimp daddy wangsta, when I was completely disgusted and completely in lust with him, but now that he's a gamer nerd and in love with my best friend well um...EW!

-Seriously hope[d] that they are lesbians! Then no one can ever, ever ruin us!

-Realized that I'm a selfish music snob, and the fact that previously mentioned, previously believed pimp daddy wangsta is quoting a song that I love[ed], is like pissing on Johnny Cash's grave (yes I am a music nerd)

-Discovered that I'd be a hell of a lot cooler if I tried and got an angled hair cut but alas, the people of this city are hardily worth my effort

-Realized that I really need to start learning, and stop dreaming!

-...and that my back hurts far too much for a 19 year old

-...AND I start swimming laps next week and yoga in two

-Re-discovered that I have horrible grammar...oh public education, what have you become?

Music Suggestion # 1: The Fratellis-classic Brit rock! Dance on dirty dance floor in some dingy club (ooo alliteration!) . I imagine that they'd be amazing live, like "blow you away" kind of amazing

I'm starting to get serious about ever serious you can be about writing your thoughts on the Internet.

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