Tuesday, November 14, 2006

"Turning point" she said

I can't sleep, probably due to the fact that all of last week I woke up at 1:30 and missed 90% of my classes. I just didn't have the will power to get out of bed.

The sun hasn't been out in a week and its really affecting me. I know that autumn/winter is supposed to be depressing but I don't ever remember being without sun for this long before, maybe I just didn't notice.

There was this assignment due today, did I have it finished? Well obviously not! I hadn't realized how much work it actually entailed until Saturday, yea two days before it was due. Now I'm going to have a 20 mark penatly but I figure if I do this right, getting a B isn't bad, hell in my case it would be a fucking miracle.

School is overwhelming me, not like last year, much worse! I've fallen so behind in everything. One class we're 3 books in and I haven't even finished the first! Ugh and there is another paper due next Friday and I haven't even finished the book its supposed to be on. So its safe to say I'm fucked majorly!

My problem is I have no will power, I always tell myself that "eh you can do it tomorrow" of course tomorrow never comes. I want to change, in fact I have to! Enough of this bullshit. Once the exam period is over I will have been caught up, with all the studying I'll have to do, and then a new term begins!

I have to do this, just like I have to go swimming 3 times a week and go to my yoga class! Life isn't easy I don't know what made me think that it was, whatever its a turning point, I can't go on like this, I'll burn out, have a break down, end up in an institution! Shit!

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