Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dreaming is free

I apologize for the sporadic blogging on here. Somehow my livejournal is more convenient and that's where I post all my teenaged ramblings about boys who make my knees quiver and friends who are no more.

School has started. I've purchased one book out of the 14 I need, hopefully this isn't a sign for a repeat of last year. I wanted to go today but alas I slept in...Really slept in and by the time I woke up the store would have closed in an hour and they're not open on a Sunday. So now for tutorial on Monday I have to employ one of the best skills I've ever learned and BS my way through that hour.

I haven't seen my friends in a month and because I'm paranoid, am I afraid that they don't miss me and have erased me from their memories...It certainly seems that way.

Anyways I'm socially challenged and its super hard for me to talk to people I don't know. So far I've spoken to two people, yey me...Then again they initiated it. I guess its a start, I don't want to be a loner at school anymore, because the more I'm alone the more eccentric I become, which is very scary because I've joked about being crazy...I never thought I would actually become crazy.

Ok so my blog is boring central, I apologize, this is my life. Hopefully it will grow to be more exciting in the near future!

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