Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I use sex as an adjective

I think I need to do a lot more with my life. Talking to people and listening in to people's conversation I am not living my life. People my age have been aid workers, worked in other countries traveled and have done more then just wake up, eat, work, sleep, repeat. I always sore to myself that when I "grow up" that I won't live that 9-5 life, stuck in a cubicle, mini van driving, instant dinner making, soccer mom. I don't want a boring routine but it seems I'm already in a boring routine. So guys I need an intervention of some sort, I'm not satisfied with this "boring ass" life I lead.

Alright kids, its on!

PS If you're looking for a really interesting blog, that's exciting and funny and political not to mention photos-a-plenty, then go to Matthew Good's Blog. I respect him as an artist, person and activist, if I lived in Van city I would make it a mission to become friends with him. He's an amazing person and I wish more people knew about him and his music. GO!

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