Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Back but not in black

So I'm back from New York, not just back, more like I've been home for a week and I'm having some serious NYC withdrawal! It really is the greatest city in the world, LET'S ALL MOVE THERE!!!!!!!

We took a bajillion photos...Ridiculous photos because those are the only photos we're allowed to take.

I have the arctic Monkeys concert next week and I'm stoked. Knowing that I will be seeing Jaime Cook(the guitarist) makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside oh and hearing their music live is of course a 126545474552 times better than seeing him, since I'm real fan and not into their looks because you know they all have the faces of male models (sarcasm).

How good is Madonna? Her new album is insane (says the gay man living inside my head)!!!!!!!!! There's just no way you cannot love Madonna she's like air if you don't like her you'll...DIE!!!

I'm going to the beach on Friday with my bitches, we're going to get tanned (Nat will probably get burnt), so we can end this rubbish that is looking like a terminally ill patients, if you saw me you'd understand what I'm talking about. I'm a yellowish grey colour.

I love how unnecessary this post is, but mark my words people, this summer's going to be off the hook

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