Thursday, May 11, 2006

First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin!

I've deleted all my previous entries. They made me sound like and idiot. I read them and said to myself: "am I really this dumb?" Rest assured guys I am no idiot!

In a week I'm going to see depeche mode live in concert for the second time within an 8 month time span...Yes I am a psychotic fan!

In two weeks I'm going to New York with two of my favourtest beetoches ever...Actually two of my only beeotches...I'm really excited! I've only been to NYC when I was about 8 months old and that doesn't count! The night life for us will be non-existent parce que we're all 19/20 and the legal age in the US is 21, DAMN YOU AMERICA!

Hopefully my posting on here won't be as sporadic as before but I won't promise anything, plus I'm almost positive that like one person reads this!

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